Positivismo Lógico
1830–1842: Cours de philosophie positive, Paris: Rouen first, then Bachelier (6 vols.); page reference is to the new edition, Paris: Hermann, 2 vols., 1975. Freely translated and condensed by Harriet Martineau: The positive philosophy of Auguste Comte, London: J. Chapman, 1853. Parsons (1961) gives some selections from the sociology lessons.
Simon, W. M., 1963, European Positivism in the Nineteenth Century, New York: Kennicat Press.
Bourdeau, M., Pickering, M., and Schmaus, W., (eds.), 2018, Love, Order & Progress, The Science, Philosophy and Politics of Auguste Comte, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
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Creath, Richard, "Logical Empiricism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2023 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2023/entries/logical-empiricism/>.
Ayer, A.J., 1936, Language Truth, and Logic, London: Gollancz.
Carnap, R., 1928/1967, Der logische Aufbau der Welt, translated by R.A. George as The Logical Structure of the World, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Tuomela, R. ed., 2013. Dispositions (Vol. 113). Springer Science & Business Media.
Hintikka, J., 1975. Rudolf Carnap, logical empiricist. In Rudolf Carnap, Logical Empiricist: Materials and Perspectives (pp. 1-13). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
Scott, A. (2020). Introduction to Otto Neurath’s “Bourgeois Marxism” (1930) and “Worldview and Marxism” (1931). Sociologica, 14(1), 227–234. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1971-8853/10821
Sznajder, M. (2021). Probability and confirmation in logical empiricism. In T. Uebel, & C. Limbeck-Lilienau (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Logical Empiricism (pp. 220-228). Routledge.
Ramsey, F.P., 1926., “Truth and Probability”, in Henry E. Kyburg and Howard E.K Smokler (eds.), Studies in Subjective Probability, Huntington, NY: Robert E. Kreiger Publishing Co.
Jacobs, S., & Otto, K. H. (1990). Otto neurath: Marxist member of the vienna circle. Auslegung: a journal of philosophy, 16(2), 175-189.
Cunha, I. F. D. (2015). Uma discussão sobre a unidade da ciência: Neurath e a utopia da ciência unificada. Scientiae Studia, 13, 97-122.
Glymour, Clark and Frederick Eberhardt, "Hans Reichenbach", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2022/entries/reichenbach/>.
Leitgeb, Hannes and André Carus, "Rudolf Carnap", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2024 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2024/entries/carnap/>.
Uebel, Thomas, "Vienna Circle", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2024 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), forthcoming URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2024/entries/vienna-circle/>.
Rey, Georges, "The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2023 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2023/entries/analytic-synthetic/>.
Oberdan, Thomas, "Moritz Schlick", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2022/entries/schlick/>.